to get you started
Refining Product-Market Fit:
Michael Seibel of Y Combinator describes Product-Market Fit as the moment when a product experiences overwhelming demand, making it challenging to keep up with customer needs.
Achieving Product-Market Fit means that your product is not just meeting, but excelling at fulfilling the specific needs of your target market. It’s a key indicator that your product is solving the right problems for the right consumers.
Here are four distinct areas with a list of questions each for you to identify where you are in your product-market fit journey:
1. Understanding the Consumer Problem
What problem does your product solve?
How confident are you in the problem’s significance and size?
Are you solving a problem which is common or a big pain-point for a few consumers?
Do you have research or data to corroborate your hypothesis?
2. Defining Your Target Audience and Core Competition
Do you understand the demographics as well as the psychographic make-up of your target audience?
Do you have detailed consumer personas for your audience?
Do you understand your audience’s current purchasing behavior?
Which are some other products or solutions that may solve the same problem partially?
3. Product Development & Market Positioning
Do you have a working proto-type or are you already seeing some initial sales?
What is your product differentiation strategy?
Which of the 4Ps (Product features, Pricing, Go-to-Market) are you more strongly leaning on?
Is your value proposition clear to your target audience?
4. Growth Strategy and Scale Up Plans
What is the current challenge you are facing?
How often do you collect consumer feedback?
Do you understand triggers and barriers to your product?
Is your performance marketing showing good conversions?
ESG - Building a Future First Business
“We need a business paradigm that sees profit, people, and planet as mutually reinforcing, not mutually exclusive.” John Elkington, Creator of the Triple Bottom Line
ESG is often viewed as a statutory compliance issue. However, with confident consumers on the rise, the democratization of media, and a visible impact on the planet, sustainability is not a choice. People, Planet and Profit are no longer distinct goals. As you assess your product-market fit and plan for future success, it is important to consider where you stand in terms of ESG.
Where are you in your ESG journey? These questions may help you assess and develop a plan:
Level 1: Minimum Practice for Risk Management
Are you aligned with the trends affecting your industry and business?
How quickly do you address external vulnerabilities?
Do you have a system in place for social responsibility, such as financial donations, in-kind contributions, or volunteering?
Are you meeting and reporting baseline ESG metrics?
Have you committed to the minimum required ESG standards?
Level 2: Statutory ESG Practice
Are you tracking major trends and preparing contingency plans?
How do you leverage your company’s strengths to enhance specific ESG goals and metrics?
Do you comply with voluntary industry standards and exceed the industry average?
Have you established a comprehensive sustainability policy?
Are your HR practices inclusive?
Do you run strategic, high-impact philanthropic programs?
Are you regularly engaging with stakeholders to identify key ESG priorities?
Level 3: Advanced ESG for High Impact
Do you drive social impact through innovation, market positioning, and consumer choices?
Is ESG a core differentiator in your overall strategy, growth, and success?
Do you embed ESG into capital allocation, resource distribution, employee incentives, and evaluations?
Are you actively working to improve sustainable outcomes both internally and externally?
Do your ESG disclosures comprehensively cover all aspects of your company’s operations?